Jenkins Declarative Pipeline

Jenkins Agents
Jenkins Declarative


  1. Jenkins Master (Install Java & Jenkins)

  2. Jenkins Agent (Install Java)

  3. Make SSH connection between Master and Agent

  1. Login to your AWS account

i) Create EC2 Instance for Jenkins Master

Install Java & Install Jenkins
sudo yum upgrade -y
yum install java-11-amazon-corretto-devel.x86_64 -y
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo
sudo rpm --import
sudo yum install jenkins -y
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable jenkins
sudo systemctl start jenkins

Refer to my Previous Article:-

ii) Create EC2 Instance for Jenkins Agent

Just Install Java (Jenkins Server installation is not required)
sudo yum upgrade -y
sudo yum install java-11-amazon-corretto-devel.x86_64 -y

  1. Login/SSH to your Jenkins Master and create an SSH Key, using ssh-keygen which will be used to connect to our Jenkins Agent/Node

    i) Generate SSH Keys on Jenkins Master using (without password)
    ssh-keygen -t ed25519
    ii) Copy the Public Key from Jenkins Master
    cat /home/ec2-user/.ssh/

  2. Login to your Jenkins Agent/Node
    i) Paste the public key copied from the above step and paste it on the file .ssh/authorized_keys

  3. Connecting Jenkins Master and Jenkins Agent

Login to your Jenkins Dashboard > Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes and Clouds > New Node

Node name: Jenkins-Agent
Type: Permanent Agent
Remote root directory: /home/ec2-user/jenkins-agent
Labels: dev-server [It should be unique]
Usage: Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node Launch method: Launch agent via SSH
Host: Agent's Hostname or IP to connect.
Add Credentials: Jenkins Credentials Provider > Kind \> SSH Username with private key > Username ec2-user > Private Key - Enter directly (Include the private key created on the Jenkins Master - /home/ec2-user/.ssh/id_ed25519 )
Host Key Verification Strategy: Non verifying Verification Strategy