Docker Compose, Docker Engine, Storage, Registry, Container Orchestrate

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool provided by Docker that allows you to define and manage multi-container Docker applications. It uses a YAML file to specify the services, networks, and volumes required by your application, making it easy to configure and deploy complex containerized environments.

With Docker Compose, you can define the services, their configurations, and the relationships between them in a single file. This simplifies the process of managing and scaling multi-container applications, as well as ensuring consistent configurations across different environments.

Here are the key components and concepts in Docker Compose:

YAML Configuration File: Docker Compose uses a YAML file (usually named docker-compose.yml) to define the services, networks, and volumes for your application.

  1. Services: Services represent the containers in your application. Each service is defined with its image, environment variables, ports, volumes, and other configurations required to run the container.

  2. Networks: Networks define how the services communicate with each other. Docker Compose creates a default network for your application, and you can also define custom networks for specific use cases.

  3. Volumes: Volumes are used to persist and share data between containers. You can define named volumes or bind mount host directories to container directories.

  4. Build: Docker Compose supports building custom images using the build directive. You can specify the Dockerfile and build context for each service, allowing you to customize and automate the image building process.

  5. Environment Variables: Docker Compose allows you to set environment variables for each service, enabling dynamic configuration and easy parameterization of your application.

  6. Commands: Docker Compose provides commands to manage your application, such as up to start the application, down to stop it, and logs to view the logs of the running services.

To use Docker Compose, you need to have it installed on your system. Once installed, you can create a docker-compose.yml file in your project directory, defining the services, networks, and volumes required for your application. Then, you can use the docker-compose command to manage your application.

Here are a few example commands:

  • docker-compose up: Starts the containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

  • docker-compose down: Stops and removes the containers, networks, and volumes defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

  • docker-compose logs: Displays the logs of the services defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

  • docker-compose build: Builds the Docker images for the services defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

Please click on the links below for further reference:

Docker Engine, Storage

Docker Engine refers to a host with Docker installed on it. When you are installing Docker on a Linux host it includes 3 components:

  1. Docker CL1 (It's a command line interface that we use to perform actions such as running containers, stopping containers, destroying images, etc.)
    - It uses REST API to interact with the Docker Deamon
    - It can be on another system/host as well and still work with a remote Docker engine. You can use -H on the docker command and specify the remote Docker engine address and Port
    docker -H-remote-docker-engine:2375 docker -H-remote-docker-engine:2375 run ngnix

  2. RESET API (It's the API interface that programs can use to talk to the demon and provide instructions)

  3. Docker Deamon (It's a background process that manages Docker objects such as Images containers, volumes, and networks )

Docker uses a namespace to isolate Workspace process ids networks, interprocess communication, mount, and Unix time-sharing systems are created in their own namespace thereby providing isolation between containers.

Note: Docker host as well as the Containers shared the same system resources such as CPU and memory. Docker uses cgroup (control groups ) to restrict the amount of hardware resources allocated to each container.

  • Restrict the amount of CPU Or Memory for the container.
    Restricting CPU for the container so it does not take up more than50% of the host CPU
    docker run --cpu=.5 centos
    For Memory
    docker run --memory=100m centos

  • When you install Docker on a system it created a folder structure at /var/lib/docker


To persist/preserve the data created by the container, for this, we can create a persistent volume to the container.

Two types of mounts:

  1. Volume mounting (It mounts a volume from the volume directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/ )

  2. Bind Mounting (It mounts a directory from any location on the docker host)

  • Create Volume using an volume create option, This will create a folder in /var/lib/docker/volumes/<data_volume>
    docker volume create <data_volume>

  • Mount the Volume "data_volume" inside the docker container read-write layer using option -v.
    docker run –v data_volume:/var/lib/mysql mysql

    This will create a new container and mount the Volume "data_volume" into /var/lib/mysql folder inside the container, so all the data written by the database is stored on the Volume "data_volume" on the docker host, so even if the container is destroyed the data is still live.

  • Even if the volume is not created using "docker volume create", still you can define the volume option, which will be created by docker automatically, while creating the container.
    docker run –v data_volume2:/var/lib/mysql mysql

  • What if your data already exist at another location Or on external storage on Docker Host at /data and we would like to store database data on that volume, and not on the default volume /var/lib/docker/volumes/ folder?

In this scenario, we will provide the complete part of the folder we would like to mount i.e /data/mysql This is already called Bind Mounting

docker run –v /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql mysql
docker run –v <Directory Or Volume to Mount>:<Mounting-Point> <Image-Name>

The new way of mounting:
docker run –-mount type=bind,source=/data/mysql,target=/var/lib/mysql mysql

-- Run a MySQL container [in detached mode] named mysql-db using the MySQL image. Set database password to db_pass123

docker run -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<DB-Password> --name <contianer-name> <Image>
docker run -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 --name mysql-db mysql
docker run -d --name mysql-db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 mysql

-- To execute cmd on Mysql Database
docker exec <Contianer-name> mysql -p -e 'use <Database>; select * from <Table-name>;'
docker exec mysql-db mysql -pdb_pass123 -e 'use foo; select from myTable;'
docker exec mysql-db mysql -pdb_pass123 -e 'show databases;'

docker exec mysql-db df -h

-- Run a MySQL container and map a volume to the container so that the data stored by the container is stored at /opt/data on the host.
Name: mysql-db
Password: db_pass123
Mysql stores data at /var/lib/mysql inside the container.
Host: /opt/data
Container: /var/lib/mysql

docker run -d -v /opt/data:/var/lib/mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 --name mysql-db mysql
docker run -v /opt/data:/var/lib/mysql -d --name mysql-db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 mysql

Docker Networking

When you install Docker, it created 3 networks automatically.

  1. Bridge :-(Default network a container gets attached to )
    It is a private internal network created by Docker on the Host.
    All Containers attached to this network by default and get an internal IP address usually in the range 172.17 series, the containers can access each other using this internal IP if required.

To access any of these containers from the outside world, you need to map the ports of these containers to ports on the docker host.

Another way to access the container externally is to associate the container to the HOST network. This takes out any network isolation between the docker host and the docker container.

  1. None:- The containers are not attached to any network and do not have any access to the external network or other containers.
    They run in an isolated network

  2. Host:- It allows to access the container from the outside world.

User-defined networks

  • Associate Container with any other network using
    docker run centos --network=none docker run centos --network=host

  • Create Internal Network
    docker network create --driver bridge --subnet custom-isolated-network-name

  • To list all Networks
    docker network ls

  • Inspect the Network, to see the Network settings and the IP address assigned to an existing container.
    docker inspect <Network-ID/Network-Name>
    docker network inspect <Network-ID/Network-Name>
    docker inspect <contianer-id/contianer-name>


  • Containers can reach each other using their names

  • All containers in a Docker host can resolve each other with the name of the container. Docker has a built-in DNS server that helps the containers to resolve each other using the container name.
    Note: The built-in DNS server always runs at address

-- Run a container named alpine-2 using the alpine image and attach it to the none network.

docker run --name alpine-2 --network=none alpine
docker run --network none --name alpine-2 alpine

-- Create a new network named wp-mysql-network using the bridge driver. Allocate subnet Configure Gateway

Name: wp-mysql-network
Driver: bridge

Run the command:
docker network create --driver bridge --subnet --gateway wp-mysql-network

Inspect the created network by
docker network inspect wp-mysql-network

-- Deploy a mysql database using the mysql:5.6 image and name it mysql-db. Attach it to the newly created network wp-mysql-network Set the database password to use db_pass123.
The environment variable to set is MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.
Name: mysql-db
Image: mysql:5.6
Network: wp-mysql-network

docker run -d --name mysql-db --network wp-mysql-network -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 mysql:5.6
docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 --name mysql-db --network wp-mysql-network mysql:5.6

-- Deploy a web application named webapp using the kodekloud/simple-webapp-mysql image. Expose the port to 38080 on the host.

The application makes use of two environment variables:
1: DB_Host with the value mysql-db.
2: DB_Password with the value db_pass123.
Make sure to attach it to the newly created network called wp-mysql-network.

Also, make sure to link the MySQL and the webapp container.

Name: webapp
Image: kodekloud/simple-webapp-mysql
Env: DB_Host=mysql-db
Network: wp-mysql-network

docker run --network=wp-mysql-network -e DB_Host=mysql-db -e DB_Password=db_pass123 -p 38080:8080 --name webapp --link mysql-db:mysql-db -d kodekloud/simple-webapp-mysql
docker run -d --name webapp -p 38080:8080 -e DB_Host=mysql-db -e DB_Password=db_pass123 --network wp-mysql-network --link mysql-db:mysql-db kodekloud/simple-webapp-mysql

Docker Registry

It is a storage and distribution system for named Docker images.

DockerHub is a hosted registry solution by Docker Inc. Besides public and private repositories, it also provides:
- Automated builds
- Integration with source control solutions like Github and Bitbucket etc.

-- Private Registry - That can only be accessed using a set of credentials.

To run a container using an image from a private registry, you first need to log in with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.

docker login private-registry.iodocker run

-- Deploy a Private Registry within your organization

The docker registry itself is another application and is available as a docker image, the name of the image is "registry" and it exposes the API on port 5000.

Run the "registry" Image
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2

Before pushing the images, re-tag them with the docker image tag command.
docker image tag my-image localhost:5000/my-image
docker push localhost:5000/my-image

docker pull localhost:5000/my-image
docker pull :5000/my-image

-- Deploy a registry server on our own. Run a registry server with name equals to my-registry using registry:2 image with host port set to 5000, and restart policy set to always. Note: Registry server is exposed on port 5000 in the image.

Here we are hosting our own registry using the open source Docker Registry.

Container Name: my-registry Host Port: 5000 Image: registry:2 Restart Policy: always


As the exposed port inside the image is 5000, we need to specify it using "docker run -d -p [hostPort]:[containerPort]..."

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name my-registry registry:2

-- Push some images to our registry server. Let's push two images for now .i.e. nginx:latest and httpd:latest.

Note: Don't forget to pull them first.

To check the list of images pushed, use curl -X GET localhost:5000/v2/_catalog

Sol: Before pushing the images, re-tag them with the docker image tag command.

docker pull nginx:latest
docker image tag nginx:latest localhost:5000/nginx:latest
and finally push it using
docker push localhost:5000/nginx:latest

We will use the same steps for the second image
docker pull httpd:latest
and then
docker image tag httpd:latest localhost:5000/httpd:latest
and finally push it using
docker push localhost:5000/httpd:latest

curl -X GET localhost:5000/v2/_catalog

-- Remove all the dangling images we have locally. Use the below to remove them. docker image prune -a
-- To get the list of images use:
docker image ls

Container Orchestrate

Container orchestration is a process of automating the operational effort, including the provisioning, scaling, availability, deployment, networking, and lifecycle management of containers, to run containerized workloads.

  • Major Container Orchestration Tools
    - Kubernetes
    - Docker Swarm
    - Apache Mesos

docker service create -–replicas=100 nodejs

docker service create: This is the Docker command used to create a new service.

--replicas=100: This flag specifies the number of replicas or instances of the service that should be created. In this case, it is set to 100, meaning Docker will create 100 instances of the "nodejs" service.

Docker swarm

The Docker swarm is one of the container orchestration tools that allow us to manage several containers that are deployed across several machines.

With Doker Swarm you could combine multiple Docker machines together into a single cluster docker swarm will take care of distributing your services or your application instances into a separate host for High availability and for load balancing across different systems and hardware

To set up a Docker swarm

  1. You must first have Host Or Multiple Hots with Docker Installed on them.

  2. Designate One Host to be the Manager / Master Or Swarm Manager
    Using: docker swarm init
    This will provide the command to be run on the workers.

  3. Copy the output of cmd you run on the Manager Node and Run on Salves Or Worker.

    To Join the Manger Node: i.e
    docker swarm join --token

After joining the Swarm the Workers are also referred to as NODES, and you are ready to create Services and deploy them on the Swarm cluster.

Swarm Manager:
docker swarm init

Node Worker
docker swarm join --token

Node Worker-1
docker swarm join --token

Node Worker-2
docker swarm join --token

-- Run multiple instances on the cluster.

2 Ways

  1. Run the docker run command on each worker node. In this scenario, you will have to do all steps manually
    Setup load balancing
    Monitor the state of each instance yourself, and if the instances failed, you will have to restart them yourself as well.

  2. Using Docker Swarm Orchestration

The key component of swarm orchestration is Docker Services.

Docker Services are one or more instances of a single application or service that runs across the node in the swarm cluster.

Creating a Docker service to run multiple instances off "my-web-server" application across worker nodes in Swarm Cluster using:

docker service create -–replicas=3 my-web-server

docker service create command is similar to the docker run command

docker service create -–replicas=3 –-network frontend my-web-server

docker service create -–replicas=3 –p 8080:80 my-web-server

Note: docker service must be run on the Manager Node, and NOT on the worker nodes.


Key Value Pair:
You must have a space followed by a colon differentiating the Key and Value.

- : Dash in the front, indicates that it's an element of an array.

Is a set of properties grouped together under an item. You must have an equal number of blank spaces before the properties of a single item, so they are all aligned together.